Related Lessons

Plan and Write a Cause and Effect Essay
Plan and Write a Narrative
Choose the Form of Writing for the Purpose (Entertain, Inform, or Persuade)
Use Transitions between Sentences to Unify Important Ideas
Analyze the Structure of a Paragraph in Text
Use Descriptive Phrases
Plan and Write Informative Text
Revise Writing
Edit Text
Write a Thesis Statement for Argumentative Text
Plan an Argument
Write a Multiple-Paragraph Narrative Composition
Write a Paragraph
Develop a Topic with Supporting Details
Clarify Text by Creating Outlines
Plan and Write a Narrative
Revise Writing to Improve Organization of Ideas Within Paragraphs
Plan an Opinion Piece
Revise Writing to Improve Organization of Ideas Between Paragraphs
Write an Argument
Support a Thesis with Quotations and Paraphrasing
Recognize Descriptive Phrases
Use Effective Transitions
Plan and Write a Problem-and-Solution Essay
Write Informative Text
Write an Opinion Piece
Write a Concluding Paragraph for Expository Text
Revise Writing to Improve Word Choice
Use Varied Sentence Openings
Plan an Opinion Piece

Related Concepts

Revise Writing
Use a Thesaurus to Locate Words
3rd Grade English Language Development Learning Objectives & Essential Tools
Plan and Write a Procedure
Flashcards Determine the Meaning of Words Using Prefixes
Flashcards Irregular Plural Nouns
Flashcards Determine the Meaning of Multiple-Meaning Words
Flashcards Read Verbs
Flashcards Use Past Tense Verbs
Flashcards Use Prepositional Phrases
Flashcards Use Regular and Irregular Verbs
Flashcards Verb Tenses
Create Supporting and Concluding Paragraphs
4th Grade English Language Development Learning Objectives & Essential Tools
Plan and Write Informative Text
Write Informative Text
Plan a Narrative
Answer Who, When, and Where Questions
Interpret Information from a Chart
Revise Writing (Add or Delete Sentences)
Revise Writing (Add & Delete Sentences)
Revise Writing
Revise Writing by Consolidating Sentences
Plan and Write Informational Text
5th Grade English Language Development Learning Objectives & Essential Tools
Edit Writing
Write a Paragraph
Plan and Write a Narrative
Determine Different Perspectives When Making Assertions
Choose the Form of Writing for the Purpose (Entertain, Inform, or Persuade)

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ELD Lessons Miscellaneous