Related Lessons

Draw Inferences from Text
Main Idea & Key Details
Compare Firsthand and Secondhand Accounts of the Same Event
Identify Sequential Order Patterns
Identify the Author's Point of View
Answer Who, When, and Where Questions
Identify the Compare and Contrast Pattern in Informational Text
Describe Cause & Effect Text Structure
Describe Problem-and-Solution Text Structure
Distinguish Between Fact and Opinion
Analyze Informational Text
Main Idea & Key Details (Implied)
Identify Chronological Order in Informational Text
Interpret Information from a Chart
Select a Focus in Writing
Select an Organizational Structure When Writing
Follow Instructions in a Technical Manual
Answer What, How & Why Questions
Use Chronological Order to Convey Information
Identify Proposition and Support Patterns in Text

Related Concepts

Plan and Write an Opinion Piece
Write an Opinion Piece
Plan and Write an Opinion Piece
Use Text Features to Locate Information
Describe Text Using Information From Illustrations and Words
Distinguish Between the Author's Point of View and Our Own
Answer Who, When, Where Questions
Distinguish Between Fact and Opinion
Write a Concluding Statement (Opinion)
Flashcards Use Regular and Irregular Verbs
Describe Compare and Contrast Text Structure
Plan and Write an Opinion Piece
Interpret Information from a Chart
Identify the Author's Point of View
Describe Problem-and-Solution Text Structure
Compare Firsthand and Secondhand Accounts of the Same Event
Answer What, How & Why Questions
Plan and Write an Opinion Piece
Plan and Write a Narrative with Dialogue (1st person)
Determine Different Perspectives When Making Assertions
Explain How Reasons and Evidence Support Point of View
Determine the Figurative Meaning of Words & Phrases (Reports)
Provide a Summary of the Text
Make Assertions
Use Features of Popular Media to Obtain Information
Plan an Opinion Piece
Write an Opinion Piece