Related Lessons

Identify Common and Proper Nouns
Decode multisyllable words
Use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words
Recognise the structure of simple Narratives
Identify synonyms in text
Identify and Use Pronouns (I, you, he, she, it)
Identify Antonyms in Text
Identify and Use Pronouns (me, you, him, her, it)
Navigate a Website
Interpret Diagrams
Use table of contents
Identify and use plural pronouns

Related Concepts

Australian Learning Objectives ELA (Year 1)
Australian Learning Objectives Maths (Year 1)
Australian Learning Objectives ELA (Year 2)
Identify Common and Proper Nouns
Identify a Fantasy Story
Recognise the structure of simple Narratives
Identify synonyms in text
Decode multisyllable words
Identify and Use Pronouns (I, you, he, she, it)
Identify Antonyms in Text
Identify and use plural pronouns
Plan a Narrative
Edit text for correct punctuation
Write a narrative
Use table of contents
Identify and Use Pronouns (me, you, him, her, it)
Use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words
Interpret Diagrams
Plan information text
Write Informative Text
Navigate a Website
Australian Learning Objectives Maths (Year 2)
Australian Learning Objectives ELA (Year 3)
Use Verbs of Different Types
Recognise the Language Features of Narratives
Identify the Point of View of Characters
Identify Different Points of Views of Multiple Characters
Recognise Characters, Settings, and Events in Different Ways/Different Places
Plan a Narrative
Use Dictionaries

Special Programs:

Australia Year 2