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Missouri Learning Standards ELA (2nd Grade)
Missouri Learning Standards Math (2nd Grade)

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Grade 1 Common Core State Standards Learning Objectives - Math
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Australian Learning Objectives ELA (Year 1)
Texas Learning Objectives ELA (1st Grade)
Texas Learning Objectives Math (1st Grade)
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Missouri Learning Standards ELA (1st Grade)
Missouri Learning Standards Math (1st Grade)
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2nd Grade English Language Development Learning Objectives & Essential Tools
2nd Grade Next Generation Science Standards Learning Objectives & Essential Tools
Australian Learning Objectives ELA (Year 2)
Texas Learning Objectives ELA (2nd Grade)
Identify Common and Proper Nouns
Identify a Fantasy Story
Recognise the structure of simple Narratives
Identify synonyms in text
Decode multisyllable words
Identify and Use Pronouns (I, you, he, she, it)
Identify Antonyms in Text
Identify and use plural pronouns
Plan a Narrative
Edit text for correct punctuation
Write a narrative
Recognise the structure of expositions
Use table of contents