Related Lessons

Perimeter & Area Formulas
Find the Perimeter of a Rectangle
Solve Problems by Applying the Area Formula for Rectangles
Use a Property of Triangles to Solve for Unknown Angles
Solve Problems by Applying the Perimeter Formula for Rectangles
Make a Line Plot to Display a Data Set
Solve Problems using a Line Plot
Solve Measurement Word Problems

Related Concepts

Describe Shapes
Solve Addition Equations
Measure the Length of an Object to the Nearest Centimeter
Classify Matter by Properties
Properties of Objects - Best for Purpose (Part 2 of 2)
Properties of Objects - Identification (Part 1 of 2)
Categorize Quadrilaterals
Find the Area of Rectangles Using Multiplication
Write a Concluding Statement (Opinion)
Use a Property of Triangles to Solve for Unknown Angles
Solve Multistep Word Problems with an Unknown
Find the Volume of Composite Shapes
Solve Fraction Word Problems (Addition and Subtraction)
Properties of Operations in Simplified Expressions
Plot Points on a Coordinate Plane