Related Lessons

Plan and Write a Cause and Effect Essay
Plan and Write a Narrative
Choose the Form of Writing for the Purpose (Entertain, Inform, or Persuade)
Use Descriptive Phrases
Plan and Write Informative Text
Revise Writing
Edit Text
Write a Paragraph
Develop a Topic with Supporting Details
Clarify Text by Creating Outlines
Revise Writing to Improve Organization of Ideas Between Paragraphs
Plan an Opinion Piece
Recognize Descriptive Phrases
Plan and Write a Problem-and-Solution Essay
Write an Opinion Piece
Revise Writing to Improve Organization of Ideas Between Paragraphs

Related Concepts

Use a Dictionary to Locate Words
Create Supporting and Concluding Paragraphs
Understand the Organization & Use of an Almanac
Write a Concluding Paragraph for Expository Text
Plan and Write a Problem-and-Solution Essay
Revise Writing to Improve Organization of Ideas Between Paragraphs