Related Lessons

Explain the Function of Adverbial Phrases
Determine the Meaning of Words Using Context Clues
Identify Complex Sentences
Distinguish Among the Connotations of Words with Similar Denotations
Determine the Meaning of Words Using Roots and Affixes
Express Ideas with Precise Verbs
Analyze Compound Sentences
Use the Correct Transitions in Compound Sentences
Recognize and Explain Idioms
Use Sound Devices in Literature (Rhyme, Rhythm, Alliteration, Repitition)
Locate Information using Consumer Documents

Related Concepts

Punctuate Compound Sentences Correctly
Edit Text for Run-On Sentences
Order Adjectives Within Sentences
Identify and Use Modifiers
Use Effective Subordination to Write a Complex Sentence
Identify Complex Sentences
Analyze Compound Sentences
Explain the Function of Adverbial Phrases
Explain the Function of Descriptive Phrases
Express Ideas with Precise Verbs
Write Compound Sentences
Use Verbs in the Active and Passive Voice
Use Colons
Use Semicolons