I am a teacher or individual opening a personal account.
I am a school or district representative opening an account for my school or district.
PI.A.C.3.EMG (C.3 Offering opinions) Offer opinions and negotiate with others in conversations using basic learned phrases (e.g., I think…), as well as open responses in order to gain and/or hold the floor
L.1.2.E Spell untaught words phonetically, drawing on phonemic awareness and spelling conventions.
(F) Identify some features of texts including events and characters and retell events from a text (ACELT1578)
(Y1) Understand that there are different ways of asking for information, making offers and giving commands (ACELA1446)
(Y1) Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning about key events, ideas and information in texts that they listen to, view and read by drawing on growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features (ACELY1660)
K(6)(D) Retell texts in ways that maintain meaning.
(Y1) Compare different kinds of images in narrative and informative texts and discuss how they contribute to meaning (ACELA1453)
PI.B.I.6.EXP (I.6 Reading/viewing closely) Describe ideas, phenomena (e.g., how cows digest food), and text elements (e.g., main idea, characters, events) in greater detail based on understanding of a variety of grade-level texts and viewing of multimedia, with moderate support.