I am a teacher or individual opening a personal account.
I am a school or district representative opening an account for my school or district.
PII.B.EEI.4.EMG (EEI.4 Using nouns and noun phrases) Expand noun phrases in simple ways (e.g., adding an adjective to a noun) in order to enrich the meaning of sentences and add details about ideas, people, things, etc.
This English Language Development lesson is a part of our Link to Literacy program.
PII.B.EEI.5.EMG (EEI.5 Modify to add details) Expand sentences with adverbials (e.g., adverbs, adverb phrases, prepositional phrases) to provide details (e.g., time, manner, place, cause, etc.) about a familiar activity or process (e.g., They walked to the soccer field.).
This lesson is a part of our Link to Literacy program.
PII.C.CCI.7.EMG (CCI.7 Condensing ideas) Condense clauses in simple ways (e.g., changing: It’s green. It’s red. ‐> It’s green and red.) to create precise and detailed sentences.
This is a lesson in the Link to Literacy program.