I am a teacher or individual opening a personal account.
I am a school or district representative opening an account for my school or district.
This is a lesson from the Link to Literacy program.
PI.C.P.11.EMG (P.11 Supporting Opinions) Support opinions by providing good reasons and some textual evidence or relevant background knowledge (e.g., referring to textual evidence or knowledge of content).
C.5.B (Writing) write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and content-based grade-level vocabulary;
PII.C.CCI.6.EMG (CCI.6 Connecting ideas) Combine clauses in a few basic ways to make connections between and join ideas (e.g., creating compound sentences using and, but, so).
C.5.F (Writing) write using a variety of grade-appropriate sentence lengths, patterns, and connecting words to combine phrases, clauses, and sentences in increasingly accurate ways as more English is acquired;
This Lesson is a part of the Link to Literacy program.
PI.B.I.8.EMG (I.8 Analyze language choices) Distinguish how different words produce different effects on the audience (e.g., describing a character as happy versus sad).
PII.A.SCT.2.A.EMG (SCT.2 Understanding cohesion) Apply basic understanding of language resources that refer the reader back or forward in text (e.g., how pronouns refer back to nouns in text) to comprehending texts and writing basic texts.
PII.B.EEI.3.EMG (EEI.3 Using verbs and verb phrases) Use frequently used verbs, different verb types (e.g., doing, saying, being/having, thinking/feeling), and verb tenses appropriate for the text type and discipline to convey time (e.g., simple past for recounting an experience).
PII.B.EEI.4.EMG (EEI.4 Using nouns and noun phrases) Expand noun phrases in simple ways (e.g., adding an adjective to a noun) in order to enrich the meaning of sentences and add details about ideas, people, things, etc.
PII.B.EEI.3.EXP (EEI.3 Using verbs and verb phrases) Use a growing number of verb types (e.g., doing, saying, being/having, thinking/feeling) and verb tenses appropriate for the text type and discipline to convey time (e.g., simple past for retelling, simple present for a science description).
PII.A.SCT.2.A.EXP (SCT.2 Understanding cohesion) Apply growing understanding of language resources that refer the reader back or forward in text (e.g., how pronouns refer back to nouns in text) to comprehending texts and writing texts with increasing cohesion.
PII.B.EEI.4.EXP (EEI.4 Using nouns and noun phrases) Expand noun phrases in a growing number of ways (e.g., adding comparative/superlative adjectives to nouns) in order to enrich the meaning of sentences and add details about ideas, people, things, etc.
PI.B.I.8.EXP (I.8 Analyze language choices) Distinguish how different words with similar meanings (e.g., describing a character as happy versus ecstatic) produce shades of meaning and different effects on the audience.