I am a teacher or individual opening a personal account.
I am a school or district representative opening an account for my school or district.
PII.B.EEI.3.BRI (EEI.3 Using verbs and verb phrases) Use a variety of verb types (e.g., doing, saying, being/having, thinking/feeling) and verb tenses appropriate for the text type and discipline to convey time (e.g., simple present for a science description, simple future to predict).
PII.B.EEI.4.BRI (EEI.4 Using nouns and noun phrases) Expand noun phrases in a variety of ways (e.g., adding comparative/ superlative adjectives to noun phrases, simple clause embedding) in order to enrich the meaning of sentences and add details about ideas, people, things, etc.
PI.B.I.8.BRI (I.8 Analyze language choices) Distinguish how multiple different words with similar meanings (e.g., pleased versus happy versus ecstatic, heard versus knew versus believed) produce shades of meaning and different effects on the audience.
L.2.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies.
(Y5) Recognise uncommon plurals, for example ‘foci’ (ACELA1514)
PII.A.SCT.2.A.BRI (SCT.2 Understanding cohesion) Apply increasing understanding of language resources that refer the reader back or forward in text (e.g., how pronouns or synonyms refer back to nouns in text) to comprehending and writing cohesive texts.